林威老師推出第四種課程 講解 Discovery magazines !
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週1~周5每天一篇講解 {一個月20篇}
文章標題 Discovery magazines: Notes From Earth: Our Ancestors, the Acoustical Engineers
When priests at the temple complex of Chavín de Huántar in central Peru sounded their conch-shell trumpets 2,500 years ago, tones magnified and echoed by stone surfaces seemed to come from everywhere, yet nowhere. The effect must have seemed otherworldly, but there was nothing mysterious about its production. According to archaeologists at Stanford University, the temple’s builders created galleries, ducts, and ventilation shafts to channel sound. In short, the temple’s designers may have been not only expert architects but also skilled acoustical engineers.
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週1~周5每天一篇講解 {一個月20篇}
文章標題 Discovery magazines: Notes From Earth: Our Ancestors, the Acoustical Engineers
When priests at the temple complex of Chavín de Huántar in central Peru sounded their conch-shell trumpets 2,500 years ago, tones magnified and echoed by stone surfaces seemed to come from everywhere, yet nowhere. The effect must have seemed otherworldly, but there was nothing mysterious about its production. According to archaeologists at Stanford University, the temple’s builders created galleries, ducts, and ventilation shafts to channel sound. In short, the temple’s designers may have been not only expert architects but also skilled acoustical engineers.
林威app今日課程簡介影片檔在app [youtube頻道]