[youtube] (19) 林威老師說文解字 13 The anti-slouch screen
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文章標題 New York Times: Innovations that will change your tomorrow. |
13 The anti-slouch screen
If you slump down when you’re typing on an ErgoSensor monitor by Philips, it’ll suggest that you sit up straighter. To help office workers avoid achy backs and tired eyes, the device’s built-in camera follows the position of your pupils to determine how you are sitting. Are you too close? Is your neck tilted too much? Algorithms crunch the raw data from the sensor and tell you how to adjust your body to achieve ergonomic correctness. The monitor can also inform you that it’s time to stand up and take a break, and it will automatically power down when it senses that you’ve left. Jason Fagone
製作日期:2012.8.30 |